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AWS SDK Compatibility

This guide describes key differences from the AWS .NET SDK and how to make the code backward compatible.


By default, class properties are not mapped to table attributes, and you have to specify the [DynamoDbProperty] attribute explicitly. It also means that the [DynamoDbIgnore] attribute is no longer needed.

There are no [DynamoDbHashKey] and [DynamoDbRangeKey] attributes for hash and sort key anymore. You should use [DynamoDbProperty] and set the AttributeType property to the correct type.

Check out the attributes guide for more info.


By default, EfficientDynamoDb uses its own credential entities. However, sometimes it's beneficial to use credentials flow from the official .NET AWS SDK. E.g., you have complex credentials retrieving patterns that are not supported by EfficientDynamoDb natively yet, or you prefer using battle-tested code for such critical pieces as credentials management.

To integrate official Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials objects follow this simple steps:

  1. Install the EfficientDynamoDb.Credentials.AWSSDK nuget package
  2. Use extension method ToCredentialsProvider() to convert AWSCredentials into the IAwsCredentialsProvider which is accepted by DynamoDbContextConfig.

The following example shows how to integrate EnvironmentVariablesAWSCredentials from the AWS SDK into EfficientDynamoDb.

var awsSdkCredentials = new EnvironmentVariablesAWSCredentials(); // AWS SDK credentials class
var config = new DynamoDbContextConfig(RegionEndpoint.USEast1, awsSdkCredentials.ToCredentialsProvider());
var context = new DynamoDbContext(config);


In EfficientDynamoDb operation names match the names in DynamoDB itself. E.g. LoadAsync(...) in official SDK becomes GetItemAsync(...) in EfficientDynamoDb.

SaveAsync(...) in official SDK uses UpdateItem operation under the hood but accepts a full item like PutItem. EfficientDynamoDb supports both UpdateItemAsync(...) and PutItemAsync(...) that behave as intended by DynamoDB (i.e., former updates only specified properties and later replaces the full item).

For compatibility reasons, EfficientDynamoDb provides SaveAsync(...) and DeleteAsync(...) extension methods that mock the behavior of the official SDK. However, it's highly encouraged to use native API suitable for your use-case because they scale better and lead to better table designs.

Keep in mind that [DynamoDbVersion] attribute will only have an effect while using SaveAsync and DeleteAsync extension methods.


AWS SDK has several DateTime flaws, which are the reason why the default behavior was changed:

  • SDK converts and saves all dates as UTC, even when a timezone is unknown (DateTimeKind.Unspecified).
  • SDK completely ignores timezone from the date string and always converts dates back to local using the current server timezone.
AWS SDKEfficientDynamoDb
Stores Local asUTCLocal
Stores Unspecified asUTCUnspecified
Persists DateTime.KindNoYes
Formatyyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fffKO ISO8601

To make DateTime logic backward compatible with AWS SDK, use SdkDateTimeDdbConverter.